Monday, May 22, 2006

BRE's Success

1/43 Ebbro Datsun 510 BRE
John Morton

This must be one of the most expensive diecast from a regular line that Ebbro produced. This is a regular release. High demand from collectors from Europe, South America, Japan and North America make this diecast one of the most sought after Ebbro cars in the planet. The version though, I think, is not the 70's version of the Datsun 510 BRE but a recent version that John Morton drove in an exhibition or a race. Still, this car is legendary as it smoked its competition.

BRE's knowledge and expertise were thrown into the development of the Datsun 510, which Morton took to two successive Trans Am titles, a series of wins that was so devastating, it actually killed the series.
In the end, Brock Racing Enterprises most likely imploded from its own success and the ambition of its teammates. Morton wanted bigger faster cars, the engine builders Floyd Link, John Caldwell and Art Ohleri all went off to bigger successes. Trevor Harris, BRE's chassis designer, is still considered one of the best race car designers of the last 40 years.

John Morton and his Datsun 510 today


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